Whether you are writing an essay in school or you are introducing a professional work to the public, like research or a book, the citation is a very important part of the process. The fact is that we need resources for everything except fiction. Therefore, it is crucial to note where did you collected the information for the facts that are presented in your work.
Avoiding that can lead to issues and your work might be marked as a plagiarism. Even if you change the format and words in the sentences, there are advanced methods that can be used to analyze your work and check if you used a lot of copies without any references to those resources.
There are different methods that you can use to include the references in your work. The difference is related to the format. There are rules that you will have to follow. Also, the area of work can make a difference, and different projects will require different forms of citation. The most common are Turabian, Modern, and Psychological.
The first one is used in business, art, and history, the second one is common for history, religion, and grammar, while the third one is mostly used in education and religion. If you want to learn more about citing the Bible in the right way, check out http://wr1ter.com/how-to-cite-the-bible-in-apa.
When you are working on a project related to religion, keep in mind that you can find a lot of resources both online and in form of books. Also, there are different versions and publications, and it is not a rare case that some information are different. Here are some tips that will help you use citation in the right way.

1. Printed Books
The biggest mistake you can make is to use a couple of books as resources and not marking the important sentences that you implemented into your work. There is no reason to alter the sentences and make them more unique. It can especially be a mistake when you are writing about religion. For example, changing the whole sentence from the Bible. You can cite the whole sentence as long as you highlight it and provide resources.
There are different forms that you can use to implement this information. For example, you can simply add the list of books that you used to collect additional information. You will provide that list at the end of your work. However, it will become very difficult for the reader to check this data in this case.
Therefore, a much better solution is to mark every sentence, and provide the reference in the same page. You can do that by adding a star to the cited sentence, and then provide the reference in the bottom of the page. The structure must contain the name of the book, year when it was published, and the name of the publisher.
2. Using Online Resources
This is the most common solution today because it provide more convenience. You can easily find what you need since there is a way to scan the online format and make the research much faster. However, make sure to use only legit resources when you are writing about religion because there is a lot of questionable content available online.
When it comes to the model of citation, it is quite similar to the one where you are using the printed books. However, the only difference is that you will also have to provide the link of the page that you used as a resource.

3. Follow the Rules
Missing the important information and trying to add them after you finish your project can be challenging because you will need a lot of time to get back and find the correct content that you used. In that matter, it is crucial to be organized and don’t rush with your work. There are some rules that you will have to follow, but they are quite simple. All you need to do is to add the reference in the right format.
Therefore, include the name of the book or website along with the additional information about the year when it was published, who wrote it or translated it. When you are using the same sentences, they must be in italics. You can add brackets to include additional data right after such sentence.
Another solution is to add a small number a
the end, and then include the additional information in the bottom of the page. This is one of the best ways to keep your work organized since you can provide the structure of references marked with numbers so that a person who wants to check the originality of your work and all of the resources you were using can do that much faster.

The reason why this format is common for religious work is because it can help you include a lot of resources while keeping your work easily readable. The fact is that you will have to add a lot of references since there are many things that you won’t be able to alter in your own way. It is the same with history or science. The information we get from official books are facts and changing them to create unique work can be a huge mistake.
Another reason is that not adding the right citation can be considered as your attempt to provide your point of view while using these resources. That can lead to completely other context of your project. How you are adding the citing can also make a difference. There are more or less important resources, but you will have to add all of them.
In the end, avoiding to use the right method of including the references can lead to issues with authorization of your work. If you are publishing a professional analysis of some religious field, the reader will expect to see that resources you were using to provide the certain point of view.