If you take a look at different statistics, studies, and researches, you might notice that faith in Australia is extremely distinct. In an unrestricted questionnaire conducted in 2016, almost 53 percent of individuals inhabiting the nation declared that they are Christians in some way or another – a number that was quite higher in the past.
Additionally, during the same questionnaire conducted in 2016, 30.1 percent of individuals replied that they don’t believe in any religion – none religious – and 9.4 percent of them decided not to respond to the inquiries at all. Additional religions include Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus, Jews, and Buddhists, but it’s worth mentioning that all of them are below 3 percent.
If you are interested in learning more about spirituality that the Aboriginal tribes developed, as well as about Christianity in the country, this article might be able to help you. Let’s take a closer look at what you should know about Christianity and spirituality in Australia:
The Primary Religion Was Developed By The Settlement Tribes

The Aboriginal tribes of the continent created the ‘animist’ religiosity called “Dreaming” and there is proof that it’s, perhaps, the initial and earliest religious custom in the world. Are you wondering what ‘animist’ is? To put it simply, it is a strong belief that different places, objects, animals, and creatures have a spiritual essence that can be felt by various individuals.
During the time when the British empire settled the nation, the indigenous tribes believed in animist spirituality, which means that they strongly believed that the world, people, as well as a variety of animals and flowers were made from creatures that are supernatural, ones that disappeared after the inception, by either transferring to the heavens or piercing the surface of the ground.
Right before the colonization took place, there was a deal between the domestic tribes and others that believed in different religions. These deals were made with various people including fishermen, explorers looking to discover the wonders of the continent, as well as survivors of various shipwrecks that happened during the ages.
The events and encounters that took place allowed the government of the nations to conserve a wide range of poems, sketches, as well as tales & legends of the interaction both social and trade. During this time, there is also proof and stories about some Islamic ideas entering the entire domestic culture by them interacting with individuals from all over the world.
Hundreds of years before the Europeans reached the shores of Australia, Christian considered that there is a distinct religion there, one that is situated on the opposing side of the globe from the European continent. By the conclusion of the 17th and start of the 18th era, various Christian officers decided that it is time for the continent to be offered a different religious – Christianity. If you are interested in learning more, you can click here for additional information.
Next Came Christianity

As mentioned earlier in the article, Christianity spread to the country when Britain decided to bring its “First Fleet” to the nation. Of all the immigrants and cons, most individuals on the ship were devoted brothers of the Church of Great Britain and Ireland, which means that they were mostly Christian, except for a few people that were Catholics and, of course, Protestants.
During 1828, the initial religious census categorized people into 4 different categories, Protestants, Jews, non-believers, and Catholics. Naturally, like with all invaders, the first ship brought various tensions between different religions, tensions that lasted for a really long time – until the 20th century.
The very first member of the clergy was ordered by Governor Arthur Phillip with bringing public morality to an entirely new level, however, he also decided to involve himself with educating people, as well as working in the health department. Since then, all Christian leaders remained present in the education and health sectors, with approximately a fifth of all students attending various church schools at the beginning of this century.
Although the settlers started arriving at the end of the 18th century, there was a well-known gold rush that has prompted a lot of people to immigrate to Australia. They did bring a wide range of religions with them, which is one of the reasons why the indigenous people saw a decline in the belief of spirituality.
Additionally, the settlers drove them away from their lands and since the aboriginals never met individuals from different cultures, they quickly started seeing disease spreading in their communities. This is when the Christian churches created mission relief in order to help the indigenous people.
What About Other Religions in Australia?

During the arrival of the first fleet, there were approximately 15 Jews on the shop, 14 convicts, as well as one child that was referred to as ‘free’. The so-called Tolpuddle Martyrs were ordered to transport different things to the continent mostly because they considered the country to be friendly, as well as a major trade union.
Just before 1901, some Jewish fishermen and convicts arrived in Australia in large, convict boats. Additionally, during the 1860th all the way to the present day, Afghan cameleers settled on the continent, a large number of them being Sikh. Also, the 1870s saw a large number of Malay divers settling there as well.
At the beginning of 1900, the Australian government passed a bill that would put a limit on the immigration process – especially for European citizens. The act was known as the ‘White Policy’ and when they efficiently limited the immigration processes of people coming from different religions, it basically guaranteed that Christianity remains the religion that was mostly present all over Australia.
As you were able to read and learn, there is a wide range of interesting things when it comes to Christianity and spirituality in far Australia. Besides, the country having over 30 percent of non-believers, they still strongly believe in the Aboriginal animist religion, as well as Christianity.
So, now that you are aware of the two, most spread religions in Australia, you might not want to lose any more time. Instead, if you are interested in learning more about these two religions, you should open up your browser, and start searching for additional information.